Closing Reception: “Aabijijiwan / Ukeyat yanalleh”

Closing Reception: “Aabijijiwan / Ukeyat yanalleh”

1414 E. Franklin Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404
1414 E. Franklin Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404

Join us as we celebrate the closing reception of our current exhibition, Aabijijiwan / Ukeyat yanalleh, a collaborative exhibition from multimedia artists Karen Goulet (Ojibwe) and Monique Verdin (Houma) on their shared connection to the planetary lifeforce known as the Misi-ziibi.

The reception will feature an open mic poetry and spoken word reading, with readings from poets from the Native Authors Program and featured artist Karen Goulet on connection to and love for the river and water force as well as other surrounding themes of the exhibition.

All are welcome. Food and beverages will be provided.

Image credit: Karen Goulet, Ode to Sweet Lorraine & the 8th Street Gang. Photo: Tj Turner Pictures  

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