Four Sisters Urban Growers Collective

A woman selling flowers chats and smiles at a customer. Other vendors chat in the background

About the Project

The Four Sisters Urban Growers Collective is a project of NACDI’s Four Sisters Food Sovereignty program and seeks to support urban agriculture, create access to healthy culturally appropriate foods, and build community connections. This will be accomplished by Four Sisters hosting a collective table at our Farmers Market selling produce and flowers from various small scale urban growers. This collaborative approach benefits each grower and provides an opportunity to begin bringing their produce to market.

It has the added benefits of showcasing the collective abundance of urban growers and creating more access to fresh foods at our farmers market. Offering a greater selection of healthy foods increases market traffic and helps to combat health disparities within the urban Indigenous community.

We will be launching this project in July 2024 and will continue throughout the farmers market season.

If you are an urban grower and would like to participate, please fill out the form below.

Contact Us

Gloria Iacono

Four Sisters Food Sovereignty Manager