Minneapolis American Indian Center

1530 E Franklin Ave Minneapolis MN 55404
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1530 E Franklin Ave Minneapolis MN 55404
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Minneapolis American Indian Center

1530 E Franklin Ave Minneapolis MN 55404
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Founded in 1975, the Minneapolis American Indian Center has a rich history as one of the first urban American Indian Centers in the country, providing services otherwise often unavailable for urban American Indians. The Minneapolis American Indian Center was initially formed by community members, and continues its roots today with majority American Indian leadership and staffing.

The Minneapolis American Indian Center is focused on serving a large and tribally diverse urban American Indian population, numbering well over 35,000 in the eleven-county Minneapolis-St. Paul metro areas. Our mission is lived through programs that are guided by strong Native values; this includes preserving and supporting cultural traditions through art, youth and inter-generational programs that promote healthy lifestyles.

The Minneapolis American Indian Center has services for all ages through six programs – Family Services, Youth Services, Culture Language Arts Network, WIOA (employment), Native Fitness and Nutrition, and Gatherings Cafe. MAIC also offers to the public the Two Rivers Gallery and Woodland Crafts Gift Shop.

Family Services offers 8 programs under the initiatives of ICWA Services, Early Intervention Services, and the Indigenous Women’s Life Net program. Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Services: ICWA Court Monitor Program, Tribal Liaison Program. Early Intervention Services:
Early Intervention Program, Family Stability, Special Focus, Bright Beginnings. Indigenous Women’s Life Net (IWLN) Program: Domestic Violence Case Management, Sexual Assault Case Management. Program descriptions can be found here – https://www.maicnet.org/family-services/

Youth Services is a program of the Boys and Girls Club. Offerings include Golden Eagles, Sacred Leaders, the Best Buy Teen Technology Center, and more.https://www.maicnet.org/youth-services/

Culture Language Arts Network (CLAN) utilizes American Indian culture as a prevention tool. American Indian youth, adults, and families participate in cultural activities allowing them to learn and practice and learn our cultural traditions and language. Offering Adult Dakota and Ojibwe Language Classes, Youth Ojibwe and Dakota Language, Technology, and Cultural Projects, Family Fun Night, Powwows, Drum and Dance, Podcast, Film and Art Festival. https://www.maicnet.org/clan/

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WOIA) program is for Native Americans interested in building economic self-sufficiency through employment and job training programs. The WIOA program serves 71 counties in Minnesota. (Note we do not serve Hennepin County. Employment and job training support in that area is provided by Takoda American Indian OIC.) https://www.maicnet.org/wioa/

The Native Fitness and Nutrition (FAN) program works to reduce health disparities in the local American Indian community by providing accessible activities and educational opportunities for the community. The Native Elders Support Team, housed within FAN, provides activities, support, and resources to local Elders. A fitness center located in the Minneapolis American Indian Center provides a central place for community exercise and activities. https://www.maicnet.org/native-fitness-and-nutrition/

The Gatherings Cafe is a community-embraced cafe that encourages living healthy, eating healthy, and education through ancestral knowledge.The cafe serves fresh, locally grown foods that are Indigenous and prepared in healthy ways. Based in the Minneapolis American Indian Center, the Gatherings Cafe is in the heart of the urban Native community in Minneapolis.https://www.maicnet.org/gatherings-cafe/

Two Rivers Gallery’s mission is to expose local emerging Native artists by providing a space to exhibit work, nurture creativity and provide professional development. Two Rivers is an active space for the community to build relationships and to collaborate strengthening Native art and artistic voices within the Twin Cities.

MAIC hosts Woodland Crafts Gift Shop. Browse a unique selection of handmade gifts by local artists. Owner/Proprietor of Woodland Crafts Gift Shop Charlie Stately (612) 874-7766. Beadwork of all types, Jewelry, Native music & DVD movies, Beading supplies, T-shirts, and Greeting cards.


  • Art and Culture
  • Classes/Workshops
  • Community
  • Cultural
  • Family
  • Fitness/Sports
  • Food
  • Gyms
  • Language Programs
  • Physical Support
  • Tradition


Community Organization

  • Native led organization
  • No enrollment or descendancy requirement