American Indian Family Center

579 Wells St, St Paul, MN 55130
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579 Wells St, St Paul, MN 55130
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American Indian Family Center

579 Wells St, St Paul, MN 55130
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Where American Indian Families Thrive!
Services Guide

  • AIFC Approach to Service Delivery
  • Therapy and Case Management Services
  • Outpatient Treatment Services
  • Housing Services
  • Youth Services
  • Family Services
  • Employment Services

AIFC Approach to Service Delivery

Guided by Our Elders
One of the most unique attributes of the American Indian Family Center is that its staff, Board of Directors and programs are grounded in the culture and values of the American Indian community and guided by the wisdom of our Elders. Our Elders provide us with cultural teachings, connection to community and infinite wisdom. Utilizing the leadership provided by our community’s wisdom keepers, the AIFC strives to continue growing knowledge of cultural identity and holistic ways of life.

Healing Ceremonies
All of our program participants and community members have access to healing ceremonies and traditional knowledge to support their personal journey. Our Elders, staff and families gather together to share these teachings in a way that brings about healing for our entire community. During this time, we recognize that our cultural ways are more important than ever to promote well-being and health and we are committed to finding ways for our families to participate in traditional healing methods.

Rooted in Culture
The teachings of the Medicine Wheel form the foundation of our organization and all programming at AIFC. By using this framework, we create a circular, holistic process of physical, emotional, spiritual and mental well-being. A key component of most AIFC programs is an intergenerational approach, which aligns with the Medicine Wheel’s teachings of balance, harmony and interconnectedness for all generations.

Healing Generations
Therapy and Case Management Services
As American Indian people, our healing and resiliency occurs through the use of our traditional knowledge, values and ceremonies. The Healing Generations program was established to address the mental health needs of our community and honor our worldview. Our group of healers walk with you on your journey to wellness.

Therapy Services
Instead of relying on a system of therapy that focuses on illness, our approach is based around healing and resiliency. We use our culture, traditional medicines and community to support the healing that is found within each person. These are some of the services we provide:
• Short and long-term counseling for youth, adults, couples and families
• Healing circles on select topics
• Mental health assessments
• Community education and workshops on the importance of mental health
Mental Health Case Management
Mental Health Targeted Case Management (MH-TCM) services at AIFC are designed to be a supportive tool for those with mental health needs, to overcome barriers and accomplish your goals! Services and supportive tools you can expect include:
• Assess mental health goals and specific areas of need
• Develop a plan to help you achieve your goals
• Connect you with resources and programs
• Monitoring & coordinate services with your care team

Family & Youth Trauma-Focused Groups
We provide therapeutic groups focused on healing historical trauma and relationships in families and youth. Our goal is supporting families to have healthy relationships and cope with stress in a positive way.
We conduct groups for ages 7-11 and 12-18 that are facilitated by therapists and our youth team. These groups focus on developing skills to manage trauma responses, healthy eating, physical exercise and study skills.
You are eligible for services if:
• Are American Indian
• Live in Ramsey or Hennepin County
• Are enrolled or are willing to apply at time of intake for health insurance
• Are committed to your success!
Eligibility for services is met on a case-by-case basis.
Please contact Caitlin at 651-505-6861 for more information.
Khunsi Onikan (Grandmother’s Arms)
Outpatient Treatment Services

Healing through Culture
We believe that culture is the foundation for American Indian people in recovery. True healing comes from addressing both historical and individual trauma and our services provide support through that journey. Our recovery plans include using traditional medicine, stories, songs and cultural teachings, as well as the culturally-based Wellbriety curriculum. By relying on the foundation of the medicine wheel, no part of the recovery journey and healing process will be overlooked.

The Creation Story
The names came to me in this way: In Ojibwe, Ziibaaska’iganagooday means Jingle Dress; Niimi’idiwin means Dancing; and Nookomis Onikan means Grandmother’s Arms. In Lakota, Kunsi means Grandmother. So, the name is Ziibaaska’iganagooday Niimi’idiwin. Khunsi Onikan.

The spiritual message of this dream is that we must wrap these people and their children in those healing jingle dresses. Staff will metaphorically teach them to dance, meaning that they will find their way to health again by dancing to the music of the drum within their own hearts. The grandmothers will wrap these women and children in their arms.

We would like to thank D. Richard Wright, LADC, an Elder of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, author of The Way of Our People, for this story and his inspiring work in recovery.

Support for Your Recovery
• Group & individual counseling sessions
• Individualized recovery plans & case management
• Healing and trauma-focused support from the AIFC mental health team
• Weekly sessions for mothers and women who are parenting with Elder in Residence Nelda Goodman
• Culturally-specific programming, including curriculum, ceremonies and recovery support
• Transportation, lunch, childcare, and technology assistance provided

Find Out More About Khunsi Onikan
You are eligible for these services if:
• You are an American Indian adult female
• You reside in Ramsey or Hennepin counties
• You are seeking treatment for substance use disorder
Eligibility for services is met on a case-by-case basis.
Please contact Caitlin at 651-505-6861 for more information.
Thinica Owichakiyapi Thipi (Helping the Homeless Build)
Housing Services

We know that stable, affordable housing creates positive outcomes for families and youth. Together with the community, the Thinica Owichakiyapi Thipi will achieve housing stability and create equitable outcomes for our families.

Housing Accessibility
Our first priority for families experiencing homelessness is accessing stable, safe and affordable housing. Together, we work to end cycles of homelessness by promoting traditional values of self-determination and interconnectedness. Ways we do this include:
• Support from other AIFC programs
• Building community partnerships
• Financial literacy & workforce readiness
Housing Stability
If you’re on the verge of losing your home, we can provide you immediate help with rent, utilities or security deposits to prevent homelessness. Together, we will work with you to navigate your journey toward housing and economic stability. Ways we can assist include:
• Case management
• Landlord mediation
• Financial assistance

You can come to us before there’s a crisis involving your housing. We’ll take the steps to solve problems and find resources for difficult situations. If your household has been impacted by COVID, contact us to provide assistance.

Work with a member of our team to connect you to resources that will support your journey of housing stability. We will build a team of partners that are behind you as you create the future you want.

Being knowledgeable about housing issues impacting our community will be key to your success. Our Housing Hot Topics workshops will prepare and inform you on how to make the best decisions for housing your family.

You are eligible for services if you:
• Are American Indian
• Live in Ramsey County
• Meet yearly income guidelines
• Are committed to your success
For more information about housing support, please call AIFC @ 651-793-3803.
Waaban Ogimaawag (Tomorrow’s Leaders)
Youth Services

At the core of our youth services is the belief that we must elevate the voice of our American Indian youth to empower our futures. Our programs are not just guided by youth, they are developed, established and powered by Waaban Ogimaawag!

Where Youth Lead
Native Youth Advisory Council
Do you want a say in what is happening in your neighborhoods and communities? Join other American Indian youth leaders to follow a path that is based in our shared cultures and traditions and leads to a future where you can use your skills to give back to your community. The Native Youth Advisory Council is your chance to learn from your elders and create positive change.

Honoring our Culture
Our power as a community comes from the balance and harmony in the four life stages: elders, parents, youth and children. Our activities build on these intergenerational relationships to prepare you to be the leaders of the future.
These include programs like:
• Mino-Wiisinin gardening
• Storytelling events
• Food sovereignty
• Healing ceremonies
• Traditional arts
We’ll have opportunities this spring and summer for participating in gardening and food sovereignty sessions.

Academic Achievement
Waaban Ogimaawag provides tutoring to American Indian youth on diverse subject areas, including test preparation, skill building, and success strategies.

Career Training
Our team works with American Indian youth ages 14 – 24 to identify job opportunities and to gain the skills to be successful in a career. We connect with other community resources, educational organizations, and cultural leaders to guide youth on their journey.

Connect with the Youth Team
To find out more about our programs, events, Native Youth Advisory Council or other opportunities, please reach out to our Waaban Ogimaawag team.
For more information about youth services, please call or text Pam @ 651-504-2944.

Bimaadiziwin Mikana (The Path of Life)
Family Services
Empowering All Generations to Raise Healthy Families! The journey of building a strong, healthy family doesn’t have to happen on your own. Whatever role you play as a parent, grandparent or community member, you will find support in the family programs at AIFC.

We provide a family support program that values healing and community connections. The focus of this group is on traditional life ways, resiliency and strength and using that to bring balance to the mental, spiritual, physical and emotional health of our families. Anyone who is serving in a parenting role is welcome to participate in this program. This program often partners with our Soogizin Dodem (The Path of Life) program and other Family Programs for a more enriched and intergenerational family experience!

For more information, please contact Maria McCoy @ 651-571-0223.

Ombi’Ayaa Anishinaabe-Ininiiwug (Rise Up Original Men)
Father & Men’s Program
Join other men to participate in your culture and explore your identity as an American Indian man in today’s world.
Activities include:
• Weekly father & men’s group and drumming group
• Traditional ceremonies, including sweat lodge
• Cultural events, including sugar bush and ricing
• Men’s softball and basketball recreational leagues
• Health and food sovereignty education
For more information, please contact Rich Antell @ 651-560-9700.
Wakanyeja Kin Wakan Pi (Our Children Are Sacred)
Women & Mother’s Program
Women who are pregnant or parenting children 12 months or younger will find a home here for parenting support that is based in traditional culture and wellness.
This program includes:
• Parent education on infant safety and health
• Nutrition and prenatal education
• Home visits and connection to resources
• Mother’s Circle support group
• Case management

For more information, please contact Chenoa Stout @ 651-504-2298.

Zuya Wo Ohiya (Journey to Success)
Employment Services

Is your goal to build financial stability in a rewarding career? Have you always envisioned your dream job but weren’t sure how to get there? We provide the opportunities to support you on your Zuya Wo Ohiya (Journey to Success).

Step By Step Workshops
Every journey begins with one step, your Zuya Wo Ohiya (Journey to Success) is no different! These workshops give you the chance to improve your skills, demonstrate your strengths, advance your career and ultimately, achieve your goals.

Topics may include:
• Skill development- Trainings in technology, finance, FAFSA applications, certificate programs and more.
• Job exploration- Writing resumes and cover letters, practicing interview skills, job searching and more.
• Career advancement- Using networking, personal branding, and more skills to elevate your career.

Support for Your Goals
• Career counseling
• Education and training assistance
• Job placement connections
• Community support
• Childcare assistance
• Programs at your own pace

You are Eligible for Services if:
• You are American Indian
• Receive Ramsey County public assistance*
• Are committed to your success
Eligibility for Zuya Wo Ohiya (Journey to Success) is met on a case-by-case basis. Please contact AIFC @ 651-793-3803 for more information.

*Ramsey County MFIP Program
In addition to the above services, the AIFC is a proud partner of the Ramsey County Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP), providing care and resources to American Indian families receiving assistance. To learn more about the Ramsey County MFIP program or determine your eligibility for these services, please visit


  • Art and Culture
  • Ceremony Services
  • Classes/Workshops
  • Community
  • Cultural
  • Emotional Support
  • Family
  • Food
  • Job Training
  • Mental Support
  • Physical Support
  • Spiritual


Community Organization

  • Native led organization
  • No enrollment or descendancy requirement