Ain Dah Yung (Our Home) Center
Community | Family | Mental Support | ShelterLocation:
St. PaulCategories:
Community | Family | Mental Support | ShelterLocation:
St. PaulAll Nations Rise – FFN Program
All Nations Rise houses a FFN initiative through the state of Minnesota that serves Native communities across the state of Minnesota. Our FFN program is intended for Friends, Family, Neighbor’s (FFN) who are caring for Native children while…
MetroAmerican Indian Family and Children’s Services
American Indian Family and Children’s Services is a foster care licensing agency that focuses on licensing American Indian foster homes for our young relatives in out-of-home placement. We license homes across the state of Minnesota. Although…
Metro | Minneapolis | Rural | St. Paul | SuburbanCategories:
Metro | Minneapolis | Rural | St. Paul | SuburbanAmerican Indian Family Center
Community | Cultural | Emotional Support | Family | Mental Support | Physical Support | SpiritualLocation:
St. PaulCategories:
Community | Cultural | Emotional Support | Family | Mental Support | Physical Support | SpiritualLocation:
St. PaulAnishinabe Academy
Vision Statement: Educating and empowering through cultural revitalization. Mission Statement: We exist to engage urban Indigenous students by integrating and reclaiming Native American identities, cultures, and languages through authentic academic…
Cultural | Family | Mental SupportLocation:
Cultural | Family | Mental SupportLocation:
MinneapolisAnoka Hennepin Indian Education
Since its beginning in the 1973-74 school year, the Anoka-Hennepin American Indian Education program has focused on the educational needs of American Indian students. It’s purpose is to encourage and inspire the academic achievement, social and…
Family | Mental SupportLocation:
Metro | SuburbanCategories:
Family | Mental SupportLocation:
Metro | SuburbanBaby Space / Tatanka Academy
We provide children and families equitable opportunities for educational success by putting the baby’s point of view at the center of relationship-based early childhood programming.
Family | Mental SupportLocation:
Family | Mental SupportLocation:
MinneapolisCircle of Life Home Care Anishinabe
Circle of Life and Soaring Eagles are committed to serving all people with exceptional personal home care services. We take great pride in identifying the needs and concerns of our clients and the communities in which they live. While we specialize…
Family | Physical Support | ShelterLocation:
Family | Physical Support | ShelterLocation:
MinneapolisMinneapolis, MN 55404 612-870-0155 Resource Website
Department of Indian Work, Interfaith Action
Department of Indian Work partners with American Indian families to revitalize culture, education, and wellness. We provide a safe space to empower American Indians towards self-determination, white respecting cultural and spiritual diversity. Our…
Community | Economic | Emergency Support | Family | ShelterLocation:
Community | Economic | Emergency Support | Family | ShelterLocation:
MetroDivision of Indian Work
Community | Cultural | Emotional Support | Family | Mental Support | Social | SpiritualLocation:
Metro | MinneapolisCategories:
Community | Cultural | Emotional Support | Family | Mental Support | Social | SpiritualLocation:
Metro | MinneapolisGrandparents Raising Grandchildren is a program supporting Elders in their caregiving role. We facilitate caregiver support groups bi-monthly, information/assistance, technology and respite care services.
Family | Mental Support | SocialLocation:
Family | Mental Support | SocialLocation:
MinneapolisDream of Wild Health
Mission The mission of Dream of Wild Health is to restore health and well-being in the Native community by recovering knowledge of and access to healthy Indigenous foods, medicines and lifeways. Core Values Our work at Dream of Wild Health is guided…
Community | Cultural | FamilyLocation:
Community | Cultural | FamilyLocation:
MetroElders Lodge
Perennial specializes in full-service management of affordable housing rental properties. These services include budgeting and accounting, marketing, leasing, maintenance, and oversight of the real estate and staff. Perennial Management has a staff…
Economic | FamilyLocation:
St. PaulCategories:
Economic | FamilyLocation:
St. PaulFather Project: Goodwill
Assists parents to overcome barriers that prevent them from supporting their children economically and emotionally. We have resources to help you: Employment services including job search support and career development Case management with a…
Economic | FamilyLocation:
Economic | FamilyLocation:
Metro310 E. 38th Street
Suite 204
Minneapolis, MN 55409 612-724-3539 in Twin Cities // 320-201-9007 in St. Cloud Resource Website
Four Directions Family Center
The Family Partnership (TFP) was founded in 1878 as the Minneapolis Humane Society to protect and serve children that were being abused or exploited. Along with a few name changes, our work has continually transformed to anticipate and address the…
Emergency Support | FamilyLocation:
Emergency Support | FamilyLocation:
Metro1501 Xerxes Ave. N.
Main: 763-521-3477
South Minneapolis
1527 E. Lake St.
Main: 612-729-0340 English/Spanish: 612-728-2061 HMOOB: 763-569-2625 North Minneapolis Main: 763-521-3477 South Minneapolis Main: 612-729-0340 Resource Website