Indian Health Board

2101 Minnehaha Ave Minneapolis MN 55404
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2101 Minnehaha Ave Minneapolis MN 55404
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Indian Health Board

2101 Minnehaha Ave Minneapolis MN 55404
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Health & Wellness

At the Indian Health Board, we provide comprehensive programs, educational classes, and resources focused on healthy lifestyle choices for a robust life.

Recovery & Rehab Services

The appropriate care for various substance dependence. The recovery services team looks at all aspects of one’s well-being to support their journey on the road to recovery.

Counseling & Support Services

Every now and then, something can get the best of us. We offer a wide array of counseling and support services to help you through life’s challenges.

Medication Management

Our clinical pharmacist will comprehensively review your medications, supplements, and herbal products for efficacy, safety, and convenience.

Men’s & Women’s Health

We offer preventive screening programs, services, education, and information for both men and women to help you live a long and healthy life.

Kids’ Health

It is important to find quality health care services and professionals for your child. From infant through adolescence, we are here for you.


  • Behavioral and Mental Health
  • Diabetes Prevention
  • Disability
  • Mental Support
  • Physical Support
  • Providers/Clinics
  • Recovery and Addiction


Community Organization

  • Native led organization
  • Transportation provided
  • No enrollment or descendancy requirement