End of Year Staff Reflections – Four Sisters Farm Food Sovereignty Library

Food Sovereignty is a broad and complex term. As it emerges and percolates through many areas of public discourse, it touches various lived experiences and has a range of definitions. From the simple act of planting a seed to the self-determination of entire peoples to reclaim their traditional food ways, the concept of food sovereignty continues to evolve. This summer the Four Sisters Farm created a space to invite the community to define what it meant to them.
The Four Sisters Food Sovereignty Library is located at the main garden site of our Urban Farm (2839 17th Ave S). Unlike other Little Free Libraries that can be found throughout the neighborhood, this space is specifically designed to be an open exchange of materials related to food sovereignty. Examples of these are recipe cards featuring healthy dishes with Indigenous ingredients, a bilingual guide to saving tomato seeds, and various zines made by community members at workshops held throughout the season. Neighbors are welcome to contribute and take materials freely.
Although similar information can be found online or from other sources, the Food Sovereignty Library is about building community connectedness and power through shared knowledge at a hyperlocal level. It is a place-based, tangible approach to building both individual and community food sovereignty. We invite you to visit the Food Sovereignty Library sometime and share this resource!
– Gloria Iacono, Food Sovereignty Manager