LLTS consultants in the T4H grant work in partnership with DHS Disability Services to serve all counties in MN. Consultants and employees are occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech therapists who have completed additional…
Economic | Physical SupportLocation:
Economic | Physical SupportLocation:
MetroWomen’s Advocates
Women’s Advocates (WA) was founded in 1974 as the first shelter in the nation for victim-survivors of domestic violence (DV). Our mission is to walk with victim-survivors and our community to break the cycle of DV. In our nearly fifty years as a DV…
Economic | Emergency Support | Family | Mental Support | Shelter | SocialLocation:
Economic | Emergency Support | Family | Mental Support | Shelter | SocialLocation:
MetroSEL Academy
SEL Academy is at the forefront of a transformative approach to education, focusing on the holistic development of individuals through the principles of social-emotional learning (SEL). Programs go beyond traditional teaching, aiming to cultivate…
Emotional Support | Mental Support | SocialLocation:
Emotional Support | Mental Support | SocialLocation:
MetroInawendiwin: Indigenous Curriculum Consulting, LLC.
Independent Native Curriculum Consulting that supports school districts in curriculum writing, quality professional development opportunities, and Native visibility in schools with a community-led focus.
Cultural | Mental SupportLocation:
Cultural | Mental SupportLocation:
MetroDepartment of Indian Work, Interfaith Action
Department of Indian Work partners with American Indian families to revitalize culture, education, and wellness. We provide a safe space to empower American Indians towards self-determination, white respecting cultural and spiritual diversity. Our…