Way to Grow
Way to Grow, we support families with children from birth to age eight, empowering our next generation of leaders. We are proud to work with more than 1,700 individuals in Minneapolis and the surrounding suburbs—neighbors who work hard to provide for…
Family | Mental Support | Shelter | SocialLocation:
Family | Mental Support | Shelter | SocialLocation:
MinneapolisMinneapolis, MN 55405 (612) 874-4740 Resource Website
Waite House
A long-standing pillar of the vibrant Phillips Community in South Minneapolis, our Waite House neighborhood center nurtures the health, prosperity, and social capital of over 4,500 community members each year. A full list of resources and services is…
Community | Economic | Emergency Support | Family | Physical Support | SocialLocation:
Community | Economic | Emergency Support | Family | Physical Support | SocialLocation:
MinneapolisMinneapolis, MN, 55404 (612) 721-1681 Resource Website
At Minneapolis VA Health Care System, our health care teams are deeply experienced and guided by the needs of Veterans, their families, and caregivers. Find a health facility near you, and manage your health online. VA’s diverse program…
Community | Cultural | Family | Mental Support | Physical Support | SocialLocation:
Community | Cultural | Family | Mental Support | Physical Support | SocialLocation:
MinneapolisMinneapolis, MN 55417-2309 (612) 725-2000 Resource Website
Upper Midwest American Indian Center
The Upper Midwest American Indian Center (UMAIC) was established in 1937 to support American Indian people in the urban area. In 1961 UMAIC was incorporated as a non-profit agency through the state of Minnesota. The organization is dedicated to…
Community | Cultural | Economic | FamilyLocation:
Metro | MinneapolisCategories:
Community | Cultural | Economic | FamilyLocation:
Metro | MinneapolisUnited Way 211
United Way 2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember, three-digit number that families and individuals in Minnesota can call to obtain free and confidential information on health and human services. 2-1-1 call centers are staffed 24/7 by trained Community…
Community | Economic | Emotional Support | Family | Mental Support | Physical Support | Shelter | SocialLocation:
Metro | MinneapolisCategories:
Community | Economic | Emotional Support | Family | Mental Support | Physical Support | Shelter | SocialLocation:
Metro | MinneapolisAgate Housing + Services
In 2021, House of Charity and St. Stephen’s Human Services merged. This dynamic collaboration helped us not only combine services, but led to our clients receiving more streamline, holistic services to address instances of homelessness and food…
Community | Economic | Emergency Support | Shelter | SocialLocation:
Community | Economic | Emergency Support | Shelter | SocialLocation:
MinneapolisRed Lake Urban Office
Red Lake Nation maintains two urban offices — one in Minneapolis and the other in Duluth. The offices are intended to provide assistance to Band Members who are living away from the reservation. Periodically, the Tribal Enrollment Department…
MinneapolisProject for Pride and Living
Our Mission: PPL builds the hope, assets, and self-reliance of individuals and families who have lower incomes by providing transformative affordable housing and career readiness services. Our Statement of Equity: PPL strives to be an equitable and…
Economic | ShelterLocation:
Economic | ShelterLocation:
MinneapolisPACER Center
PACER Center enhances the quality of life and expands opportunities for children, youth, and young adults with all disabilities and their families so each person can reach his or her highest potential. PACER operates on the principles of parents…
Cultural | Family | Physical Support | SocialLocation:
Cultural | Family | Physical Support | SocialLocation:
MinneapolisNinde Doula Program at Division of Indian work
Many programs with wide range of services that include services for elders, those with cps involvement, those with legal issues, domestic violence/anger management, food shelf, and home visiting programs. The maternal child health team offers doulas…