White Earth Urban Office

1730 Clifton Pl.
Minneapolis, MN 55403
Point of Contact:
Ryan Salmon, Urban Liaison at 612-813-1590 ext. 6642
Visit Website
1730 Clifton Pl.
Minneapolis, MN 55403
Point of Contact:
Ryan Salmon, Urban Liaison at 612-813-1590 ext. 6642
Visit Website

White Earth Urban Office

1730 Clifton Pl.
Minneapolis, MN 55403
Point of Contact:
Ryan Salmon, Urban Liaison at 612-813-1590 ext. 6642
Visit Website

White Earth Constituents Office helps clients with medical appointments, emergency stays, elder life necessity, emergency food vouchers, prisoner re-entry, natural disaster assistance and funeral assistance. * Cass Lake Liaison Office helps clients with medical appointments, emergency stays, elder assistance, and food vouchers. * White Earth Urban Office helps clients with transportation, provides resources for band members in the Urban Area. * White Earth Homeless Program provides resources for person(s) experiencing homelessness.


  • Economic
  • Elder Care
  • Emergency Support
  • Family
  • Housing for People with Disabilities
  • Long Term Housing
  • Nations
  • Shelter
  • Short Term Shelters
  • Social
  • Social Workers
  • Transportation
  • Tribal Urban Offices



  • Native owned business, Native led organization
  • Enrollment or descendancy required