NACDI Open House 2024 – Thank You

We want to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended our Open House with Pow Wow Grounds and AICDC last Thursday, and to everyone who made it possible.
By combining with our regularly scheduled Four Sisters Farmers Market, we hosted a huge event both in the parking lot and in the street. This event could not have been as well attended or received without the hard work of our Four Sisters Farmer’s Market team or the wonderful vendors who shared their goods in the July heat.
The Make Voting a Tradition canvassers were a powerful and energizing group who made the day possible. From set up and tear down to completing over one hundred surveys, these folks spent all day making sure the Open House was a success.
The All My Relations Arts team and the We Are Still Here cohort created an amazing screen printing set up with a design for our many anniversaries this year, including All My Relations Arts 25th Anniversary, Make Voting A Tradition 10th and Four Sisters Farmers Market 10th Anniversary. Thank you for creating engaging and beautiful art for attendees to participate in and go home with.
Many thanks to Downtown Jada Brown and the drum group Bear Runner for bringing music and joy to this space. So many attendees praised Jada and her bandmates for their talent and energy, and hearing the drum reverberate down Franklin Avenue was so powerful. Bear Runner also helped us honor Mike Goze for all of his hard work supporting our community as he moves into a retirement phase of his life. We can’t forget Deanna StandingCloud, whose emceeing brought so much laughter throughout the day!
We served over 700 people some delicious frybread tacos from the Frybread Factory. Many thanks to Bob and his team for preparing such a great feast!
We are so grateful for everyone who helped make the day as special as it was. Thank you, Miigwech, Pidamaya/ Pilamaya, Pinagigi to all. See you next year!